Hosts of Trauma and Pop Culture


Katherine Spearing, Executive Producer and Co-host

Katherine Spearing MA, CTRC is a Certified Trauma Recovery Practitioner working primarily with clients who have survived cults, high-control environments, spiritual abuse, and sexual abuse. She also provides specialized trauma informed career coaching, as folks with trauma often need extra support for interviewing and networking. 

She is the founder of Tears of Eden, a nonprofit supporting survivors of spiritual abuse, and the host of Tears' affiliate podcast Uncertain. In addition to podcasting, Katherine is an artist and the author of a historical romantic comedy, Hartfords, a novel that challenges gender roles in a patriarchal society that will appeal to fans of Jane Austen. She has been a guest on a number of podcasts, including IndoctriNation and That’s So Fcked Up, is the author of several nonfiction articles, and writes regularly at and

Catherine Quiring, Co-host

Catherine Quiring, MA, LMHC is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor specializing in assisting exvangelicals in learning to trust their desires and reconnecting to their inner wisdom. Additionally, she aids people-pleasers in trusting themselves and recentering themselves at the helm of their lives. Passionate about the life-changing work of therapy and healing, she feels privileged to spend her days in this capacity.

Identifying as a cis-gendered, white, able-bodied, thin, neurodivergent female in a heteronormative relationship, she is herself a reformed people-pleaser and exvangelical. She advocates for anti-oppressive well-being, particularly in psychology, sociology, and spirituality.

Her office is situated in Pensacola, FL, on the unceded land of the Muscogee. Outside of her professional endeavors, she’s  avid podcast-listener, book lover, paddleboard enthusiast, and little-kid-chaser.


We both use this mic for recording!