

More specifically, head space. 

A bit of head space can do wonders for creativity. 

What a gift a bit of space can be. A bit of extra time uninhibited by demands and uncluttered by a million things at one time. 

I know this isn’t possible for most people, even for a little while. So I’m certainly grateful I got some space around the holidays.

Los Angeles was a wonderful place for a stay-cation over Christmas. The gym is two blocks away from my house. The beach is 15 minutes away by car. I ate Christmas Eve dinner at an ocean-side restaurant and saw dolphins as the sun went down. 

I slept in nearly every day—noon was the average wake-up time. I ate high-caloric foods with processed flour and lots and lots of sugar.

It’s a good thing I really like my gym. 


I rode a bike on Santa Monica beach on Christmas Day and watched It’s a Wonderful Life with a glass of wine. I cried at the end of the movie and I don’t think I’ve ever done that. I also watched a horror movie with a bowl of air-popped popcorn and loved every minute of it. 

It truly is a wonderful life. 

All this space lead to an unusual amount of head space. While this brought on an epistemological crisis (post about that coming soon), it also afforded floods of ideas for creating with words. I wrote, a lot. A lot, a lot. 

Space and regular creation led to more space and more creation. For instance, I was meditating with some words from the book Anatomy of the Soul where you allow yourself to be mindful of God, hearing the words, “You are my beloved daughter. I do so love you. I am so pleased with you and that you are on the earth.” In the midst of this, I had an epiphany that led to another post idea. Spoiler: what if our modern romances are closer to the truth about love than we realize? 

Space. Quiet. Rest. It does wonders for the soul. Soul-space does wonders for creativity. 

I love that I got so much space. 

Can I recreate this space every holiday season?