NEW BOOK! On Spiritual Abuse

I have a new book coming out in 2025!

This book will be COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the last one. First, it’s nonfiction. Second, it’s about the impact of Spiritual Abuse as well as the recovery journey.

While I’ve been hard-core writing this book for a little over a year, you could say I’ve been writing it for most of my life. I have a dozen or so folders on my computer titled some version of “Spiritual Abuse Book.”

While I’ll be sharing a lot of my story to illustrate the survivor journey, it is not a memoir. I tried ever so hard to write a memoir but it just wasn’t working for me. Maybe some day…

I’m excited to contribute this much-needed resource to the world of Spiritual Abuse recovery, as this population is currently underserved, underresearched, and underrepresented. After working intensively with this population for several years, and after pursuing my own recovery journey in the aftermath of this abuse, I am looking forward to seeing this baby grow and come to life!

If you’re interested in following along with this project, I’d love for you to subscribe to my monthly newsletter where I provide more resources on trauma recovery, career development, life, and art.