The Gospel and Beauty and the Beast
On Extended Youth, Millennials, and Adulting
Social Critique, Most PopularAdminadulthood, adulting, adults, community, gospel, grownup, help, life transition, millenials, work
The Best of the Best: Olympian Perfection
On Big Books
To My Secret People, This One's For You
Why didn’t I take the blue pill? Waking up in the Matrix after two years of seminary
Seminary Survival Guide (or My Quick Tips for Unstudying)
On a Scale of 1 to 10
Engaging and Risking Part 3: When Single People are in Your Family
Joining and Staying Part 2: When Singles Go To Your Church
Running and Hiding Part 1: When Singles Visit Your Church
This is your Plan A
AdminBeauty, Failure, Faith, Fear, God, God's Faithfulness, Grace, Grief, Plans, Radical Living, adventure, desires, dreams
Why All The 50 SHADES Articles Are Making Me Sad
Before I turn 30
How I Did College (because occasionally people ask)
The Fear of Woman: In Which an Experiment is Conducted
Why I Should Get a Sabbatical From Having My Period
The Adventure of my Last Saturday in Mexico